Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween with Cousins

So, you probably realize I'm only blogging tonight because Jami knows where I live and will harm me if I don't put the Halloween pics I have up.

I have lots of other super awesome pics and videos to blog, so just as soon as the children are grown, move out, and I'm retired, I'll get those up. ;-)

Side Note: I have no idea why these images are tagged with a 2007 date, but let's pretend it says 2010.

Here are all the babies before we headed out. Ethan really doesn't like it that he's included in that group "Babies" because he's almost 12, but he's included until I say he's not, darn it! (He looks enthused, doesn't he? Sort of like "Next year I'm just buying a bag of candy, a computer game and staying home...")

We have Harry Potter, or Nate as we like to call him. The cute thing is Cody LOVES Harry Potter, so as soon as Nate donned his Harry Potter costume, Cody just called him Harry Potter. It didn't matter how many times Nate corrected him, Cody still said "Hey, Harry Potter!"

Next to Harry Potter is Katelyn and her own witch costume concoction. I think she did a great job! And she loves holding baby Casey all snuggled in his Super Man costume. Cape included!

Katie was really confused about Emmy's costume. "Why is it red like a devil but it looks like a fairy?" which Jami answered something along the lines of "Because she looks cute but she's a little devil!"

Cody was Batman. Cody is Batman. Cody will always be Batman, because he never takes his costume off. lol

Alex is our resident Jedi. You may recognize his costume from 2008. Yes, thank you, thank you. He wanted to be Iron Man, but I told him that "Jedis are WAY more powerful, cooler AND they get lightsabers. What does Iron Man ever have, huh? A glowing chest? LAME!" And THAT, my friends, is how you recycle costumes from previous years.

Ethan is a dementor from Harry Potter. Look at that grumpy face! He's really getting into character...

House to house we go, begging for candy.

Ethan said his dementor costume was too hot and his gloves were making it hard to open candy, so I took a whirl as a dancing dementor. Yes, I am a freak.

Alex using his Jedi mind tricks on me. "You will get that camera out of my face and carrrrryyyyyy meeeee...."

Nate and Kate truckin in the motherload.

Cody was Batmaaaaaan...Batmaaaan...Batman! (Yes, I'm singing to you.)

Every year we go to the same neighborhood where some friends live. It's great because all the neighbors sit outside on their porches or driveways and hand out candy. One guy takes pictures every year and puts a rotating slideshow up on his garage door with a projector. There is also one house every year that had little nooks and crannies where guys dressed up like Freddy or the undead jump out at you and scare your socks off. We LOVE going here every year. Turns out, we met another Harry Potter fan who asked to have a picture taken with Nate because she hadn't seen another Harry Potter all night!

Here's another house that went crazy with a Nightmare Before Christmas theme. Love it!

The kids did a Halloween play and sang a Nightmare Before Christmas song (This is Halloween), so Kate was really excited to see these decorations.

We had a blast. Saw lots of great decorations. Met great folks. And got to spend our first Halloween with our cousins. Sorry I don't have more pictures of Emmy or Casey. If I find some on my phone, I'll be sure to post.

Happy Belated Halloween! (At least I made it before Christmas. Don't hate.)