Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pride of Arizona - U of A Family Day

I'm so behind on blogging and haven't updated because I feel like some should come before others and just haven't had the time. But this one needs to go up!

We had such a blast at U of A Band Family Day in early October. We got to practice with the Pride of Arizona and see all the fun (fun = hard work) Steve gets to have everyday. So here are a few pics and vids from our day with Steve.

First, families were asked to march with their band geek. Mom went out first, taking that 40 lb Tuba head-on: (I know you said no pics mom, but I found one of my backside decorated with a tuba, so yours is going up too!)

Steve and mom insisted I take a turn marching with a tuba. I have a much deeper appreciation of what kind of lung power it takes to be a tuba player in a marching band. I found this picture on Facebook with a comment "Does this tuba make my butt look fat?".'s not the tuba.

After we pretended to be Steve for a little while, we went up into the bleachers to watch practice. It was a little toasty outside and I forgot to put sunblock on the kids, so they tried to find shade any way they could.

Pride of Arizona Marching Band Group Hug??

Here's a few of their formations.

Hmmm....that's a rough life there, Steve. Must be hard to be so close to the dance line.

And now the fun. Remember how these videos look when you're viewing my next blog post "U of A Band Day 2010" ;-)

This is where we got to watch the band as they practiced only a 12 count move at a time for a few hours. Everytime they finished the move, the band director would stop them and say "Check it". They'd all scramble over a couple of steps from where they were and try again.

After having a "Stop. Check it." good time for a couple of hours, we got to see a full run through of one of their songs. They start on the side of the field and haul booty to their spots. Good times. Good times. Here it is:

And last, but definitely not least, a little U of A pride and some Tuba line dancin. If you're not sure which one Steve is, he's the tall lanky one in the middle. ;-)

Love you Steve! Thanks for letting us come embarrass you for a day. :-)