Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

This morning I woke up and thought about making the obligatory "lose weight this year" resolution, the "pay off credit card debt" resolution, the "eat healthier" resolution, the "learn a new language" resolution, and the new for 2009 - "live more sustainably and 'green'" resolution. I thought I should vow to exercise myself skinny, save every last dime I make to pay down debt, eat only rabbit food, and grow my own rabbit food while speaking fluent German. Because, if I could just reach those goals, I just knew I would be happier. Right?

I hauled my elliptical trainer, which has become a very expensive towel hanger, out into the living room to make sure I felt guilt everytime I passed it by. I made a financial plan to reduce wasteful spending and cut my debt down. I ate a healthy veggie frittata and enjoyed a morning of cleaning the house.

Then it was lunch time.

After a bit of whining from the kiddies, I loaded them up in the car. We drove down to Carl's Jr. where I used my credit card to purchase calorie-laden Famous Stars with cheese and crisscut fries (with Ranch, of course). On top of which, we unnecessarily burned an extra gallon of gas while trying to decide if we wanted Carl's Jr. or something else.

Perhaps I should just get some towels and throw them on the elliptical

I'm glad I didn't actually make the same old resolutions this year. In fact, the BBC reported New Year's resolutions are hazardous to your health. So if you've made those impossible-to-keep resolutions and are feeling like today is your lucky Thursday, toss all of that out and vow to never make another self-esteem-killing goal again. Chances are, this universe has you right where you're supposed to be.

Fat or thin. Burgers (Occasional!) or veggies. English or German. Near reaching your goals or the furthest from them you've ever been. Just keep on truckin' and take this life one beautiful, engaging step at a time.