Saturday, November 15, 2008

Winter Cleaning

I've had this stack of the kids' homework I keep meaning to recycle. I almost threw them out when I thought maybe I should sort through them to see if there were any I wanted to keep for their memory books. Then I thought it might be nice for you guys to see how they're doing in school. So here's one of each. (Click on each image and it should open a window with a larger view. If it doesn't, I'll upload them as large images. If you're reading this in your email, you may have to visit my blog to see them as larger images.)

Your future president:

Nate has been stoked about this meal worm project they did at school. I thought it was especially great when he brought it home and wanted to keep it as a pet. :-) I love his spelling of "magnifying glass" in his last line.

Ethan's greatest strength in school has always been math. This was his 3 minute timed test from earlier in the semester. He was the only one in class who finished in the allotted time with a 100%. You should see this kid at the grocery store. He logs each price in his head, adds it up, then adds in the 8.2% tax. He'll tell me the cost of our load before we check out. He's usually only a few cents off!

And this is just one to grow on. I found this in my stack of photos when I was putting together some albums for myself. I think it's circa 1994, but Jami can correct me if I'm wrong!