Friday, November 7, 2008


Earlier today I took the kids to grab some dinner. We sat outside on the patio to eat our grub. They were a little playful at first but as soon as the food came they settled right down. About halfway through the meal, an older couple strolled by and began to marvel at my chatty-but-calm children. With a German accent, they showered the kids with compliments.

"You are so vell behaved! Look at ze shildren! You are all acting like zuch big kids!"

At first the kids were a little startled, with a sort of "ME???" look on their faces. But eventually Ethan thanked them and everyone else followed suit. Then the couple asked how old Alex was. I told them he was 2, to which they replied, "Oh my! He is zo vell behaved!"

They were nearly applauding as they left; but Katie looked a bit perplexed. Looking down at the ground and mumbling, so we could hear her but the couple couldn't, she says, "They must be from another country."

Assuming it was because of their accents, I asked Katie why she thought that. Shaking her head, she said, "Well, they must be from another country because Alex is definitely not well behaved".