Monday, October 6, 2008

Dinner Time Discussions

Everytime we sit down to dinner, I make it a point to ask the kids how their days went. Sometimes they run away with the conversation and dinner time turns into dinner and a show for me. :-)

N=Nate, K=Kate, E=Ethan, M=Me

M: How was school guys?
N: Good. I went to Camp Cooper. I saw snakes.
K: I've seen snakes before. I saw one today too.
M: What did you do at Camp Cooper, Nathan?
E: I know what he did at Camp Cooper because I went there last year when I was a second grader. It's really cool!
K: Me too!
E&N: You're not even a second grader Katie. You liar.
K: Hmmph!

Skip ahead to the Astronomy lesson...

N: But the scientists don't like Pluto so they made it not a planet anymore. Now there are only 8.
M: Nathan, scientists like Pluto but there are certain rules/guidelines you have to follow in order to be a planet.
N: Wait a minute. So scientists grounded Pluto because it wasn't following the rules?
M: Uhh...

And then a few minutes later (Ethan is quietly eating. He's knows better than to get in the middle of a Nate/Kate discussion.)...

N: Some planets are hot and fiery like a volcano. Some volcanoes are big and have lava and some don't have lava. Those ones are called mountains.
K: No. Volcanoes are like hills, not mountains. Gosh.
N: Noooo. If volcanoes were not real then they would be fantasy.