Saturday, September 20, 2008

My Super Stars

Just thought I'd post an update this week so that someone would lose the bet of "how long Kirsten will forget the blog". Who lost? Jami? :-P

So, we had parent teacher conferences this week. All of the kids are doing REALLY well in school. They all scored well above the suggested benchmarks on the standardized exams. For example, we have a reading exam called DIBELS (not sure if that's a state standard or a national standard), but all of the kids scored at or above the benchmark.

In fact, Nate's class is supposed to be reading about 44 words a minute at this point in the year. Nate read 95! My boy! His teacher says he has great enthusiasm for school and wishes all of her students had his love for learning. (Awww....)

Ethan, of course, is still a braniac at math, but his teacher suggested he practice writing a bit more. So we're going to start writing letters to you guys on Sundays. I have Dad and Grandma's address, but no one else's. So, if you want a midget penpal, email me your address and you'll get a letter soon!

Katelyn is also doing great this year. I don't have the copy of her scores yet, but I remember them being above the standard. She is quite the little artist. She loves to color and design. I bought her a "How to Draw" book and she's just eating that up.

Alex is talking more everyday. His latest is "Go ride car. Go mountain, water, papa, Goooooo!" He LOVES to cook and insists on doing everything himself. His newest thing is walking. (i.e. no stroller or cart) He wants to walk everywhere, which includes the inside of Costco on a busy Saturday morning. Ugh. That is what nightmares are made of.

As for me....

When I grow up, I want to live here: