Sunday, March 1, 2009

WWII, Light Sabers and Morphine

I still can't get a straight story on what happened, but Nate says he was pushed while reaching for something. Kate and Ethan say they were playing keep away and when Nate reached for his toy, Ethan grabbed it before Nate could get it and he fell. Either way, hard cement floors and "Keep Away" apparently don't mix because my little Nate broke his arm on Friday. :-(

The emergency room doctors put his arm in a splint and told him to go back in for his cast in a few days. Right before he got hurt that night, I had told him what a great imagination he had and how smart he was. So, while he was coming to, after being put under with medication, he kept mumbling about what a great imagination he had. And then he started talking about how he was fighting in WWII with a light saber. That's some imagination!

We're managing his pain and he's doing great. He's a little tired of laying down all the time, but he's being a super trooper. Luckily it was his left arm, so it shouldn't interrupt his schooling too bad.

Other than that, all is well here. Hope everyone else is doing well. :-)
