Friday, December 12, 2008

Uncle Casey's Hood

The Saturday after Thanksgiving, Mom and I took the kids up to Prescott to check out Uncle Casey's hood. On the way up, I got my picture taken by these fun little cameras on the side of the road. It's like Prescott's own Disneyland entrance where they have someone take your picture when you enter and then send the picture to you later. Only the photo is so expensive, you usually don't buy it. I'm sure in this case my "Welcome to Prescott" picture will be something I'm forced to buy. And it will cost around $80 (for going 10 over the speed limit! How does Prescott have speed cams and Tucson doesn't?!)

But that's neither here nor there....

So, as soon as we got into Prescott, Mom took us to Coco's. We walked in and Alex started looking every which-way, yelling, "Unca Taaaaasey! Unca Taaaaaseeeeeey!" After that, those two were pretty much inseparable the rest of our visit.

After seeing Casey's reptilian roommates and brutal heater (seriously Case, post a pic of that thing would ya?), we headed to the lake to feed the ducks and play.

Twas our day up in Prescott
When all through the park
Not a creature was stirring
Not even a shark (yeah, yeah)

The bread was brought by Casey with care
In hopes that the ducks soon would be there

The children were excited, jumped up and sped
down to the lake, they ran way ahead

And me with my expensive Latte, and Casey with his coffee black
Ran down to the children to give them some crack. (I kid. It was bread!)

When across the water, there arose such a clatter
We sprang from the bench to see what was the matter

When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But 25 ducks, a goose and a gander!

Flying in a "V" towards the targets on our heads,
I knew in a moment we'd all be dead.
(OK, that's dramatic, but HOLY COW! Freaking ducks on meth!)

More rapid than eagles as coursers they came
I whistled and shouted and called the kids by name,
"Now Alex and Ethan and Nathan and Katie!"
"Back up from the water, this is gettin' shady!"
"To the top of the hill, back to the car!"
"Now run away! Run away! Run away far!"

So back down to the water all of the kids walked,
because no one listens when Mommy talks.
Later I heard Casey exclaim as we finally walked out of sight,
"Dude! Did you get that on camera?! Alriiiight..."

Here's Casey playing with the kids at the park. We had such a blast! We're coming up to see you again Uncle Casey! Only next time, we're spending the night. 8 hours of driving in one day is POOP!