Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nate's Wall of Wisdom

Though many words of wisdom were added after this photo was taken, I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to bask in the glory that is Nate's Wall of Wisdom. (before the humidity killed the sticky notes and they fell all over his bed.)

If you click on the picture, you should be able to read the notes, but I'll translate starting on the top row, from left to right. Make sure to check out the stick people with one fleeing from the other.

1. Never use the boys bathroom.
2. When Ethan bullies me, ignore him. (Fleeing Nate picture)
3. When Alex is on my bed, ask him to get off. Sometimes he says "No".
4. When Ethan tells me something important, ignore him.
5. When Ethan says something mean to me, ignore.
6. When Katelyn bothers me, do not cry. Well, that happens all the TIMES.
7. When there's a problem, tell the truth.
8. When Katelyn's teasing, ignore her.
9. When Dad's flusterd, don't talk near him. but sometimes ("But sometimes" was added after Darrick saw the note and said "WHAT?!" lol)
10. When Alex asks over and over again, ignore him.
11. When someone gives me something, always say "Thank You".
12. If Ethan asks me to play together, I might say Yes or No (so, 50-50 chance is good, eh?)
13. When Dad's fustrated (frustrated), try and help to make him happy. But sometimes not really.
14. When I do chores, help mom.

Obviously, you can see my parental admonishing in there. Apparently, my responses to everyday problems are:
1. Ignore it.
2. Ignore it.
3. Ignore it.
4. Sometimes life happens. Ignore it.
5. Always say Thank You.
6. Be a good helper.
7. Tell the truth.
8. Be polite. If other person isn't polite, IGNORE IT.

This "Ignore It" trend makes me think I know what the paper bag on the head was all about. :-)
Nate Showing Mom How to Ignore It