Saturday, February 6, 2010

Merry Christmas! (In February!)

Does it count that I blogged about Christmas BEFORE Valentine's Day?! I'm trying. :-D

Nate: "Mom, is Santa real?"
Me: "Well, what do you think?"
"My friends say he's not real. They say your parents are Santa."
"Are you calling me fat?!"
" (seriously perplexed look) Can we go see Santa? I want to tell him what I want."

Just before Christmas, the boys had a Holiday concert. Nathan played the recorder and sang. Ethan played the violin. They did great and begged me to go! (If you know how shy they are, this was a feat!)

For Christmas this year, I wanted to give the kids something that would help them learn a skill or find a new hobby. After talking to Mom, I settled on getting Kate a sewing machine. I was soooo excited to do sewing projects with her....right up until my search to get the boys something of a similar caliber failed and I settled for Nintendo DSi's. EPIC FAIL, Kirsten. See the happiness in her face as she receives a DS game she can use to play on the boys' game systems? PURE EXHILARATION.

Please note the immediate place of worship the Nintendos were elevated to as the waffles (the boys' fav breakfast) sit, losing all heat and yumminess by the minute.

After real tears were shed and the battle of "You gave me THIS for CHRISTMAS?!?!" was over, Kate and I spent a little while learning how to thread a bobbin, thread the sewing machine, and finally a quick sewing project; a pillow for Kitty. There's Kate's pretty smile! :-)

After our family Christmas morning was over, we headed up to Darrick's parent's house for some fun. Here's grandma giving the kids their presents and playing.

Alex and his dino buddy.

Darrick and Uncle Clinton sharing a brotherly love moment.

Grandpa and Alex.

Katelyn figured out you could use the camera, photo editor, and voice recorder on the DSi. She was having a bit of fun swirling a picture of Darrick into a deformed mass. lol.

The boys.

I'm not sure what Clinton was smoking, but it must have been good.

After we were done at Darrick's parent's, we headed over to Mom and Dad's house to see everyone. Grandma stole some Ethan-sugar right away.

Steve quietly grabbed his guitar and began to play for us. As he strummed reverently and tears welled up in his eyes, he stared up at the star on the tree and sang:
"There's a lady who's sure...
All that glitters is gold...
And she's buying a stairway to heaven..."

Steve and Mom had an awesome idea! They cut PVC pipe and created marshmallow guns for the kids. They could build them however they wanted and BOY did those marshmallows FLY!

Alex was still getting the hang of his. It looks like he has a side-shooter. lol

Nate's duck and roll saved him from being pegged with a spongey sugar pellet.

Sinister as he looks, in his next breath, he blew his marshmallow straight up into the air and pegged himself on the head. ;-)

No, we didn't show him how to fix his gun. It was just too entertaining!

Here's my Stevie honoring a 15 year tradition of him handing out all the presents under the tree. Yes, I teased him good. No, he did not forgive me until much later. lol

Grandma and Grandpa Sebring checking out their loot for the year.

Me and Steve with the presents he got me for Christmas. No. Steve, honey. The camera is over here.... He must still be singing Stairway to Heaven in his head.

Grandma and her boys! (I don't remember what was so exciting.)

Me thinks Alex was feeling short.

Steve and his much-anticipated beanie cap. I believe he wore it to sleep that night and showered in it in the morning.

Ya, Casey? These are all the goods you DIDN'T get because you DITCHED us for PETER. See the one on the left? Gold bullion. You'll think twice before going on a ski trip with Pete next year now, wontcha.

And the end to a perfect holiday....mistletoe moochies!

We had so much fun with our families on Christmas. Thanks for the great holiday everyone! I'll be sure to post Nate's birthday pictures by the 4th of July. ;-)

- Kirst