Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's Time for a Vacation...

As I'm sure many of you have heard, Darrick was in a rollover accident this weekend. He walked away from the accident, but was in the hospital yesterday. He has since been discharged and we await review of his scans and x-rays by the radiologist this morning. Having said that, aside from some extreme fatigue and pain, he is miraculously alive and well. Though I know these people will never see this post, I would like to thank all those who cared for him and helped him come back safe.

To the couple who took care of him while he was in shock right after the accident, a heartfelt "Thank You". He tried to crawl back into the upside-down truck cab, but the snow poured into the cab and quickly melted, filling it with ice cold water. You let him warm in your car for 2 hours until help arrived. Thank you!

To his Grandma in Salt Lake, the doctors said your treatment of that deep gash on his ankle probably saved him a month in the hospital for cellulitis. You win the Best Grandma ever award! :-)

To the couple whose items he was moving, you were very gracious and helpful. Thank you for taking care of him and helping him get back home.

Thank you to TMC's Trauma center staff for whisking him away quickly and calling him an idiot for waiting to be seen and for flying on a plane with a possible brain injury.

And thanks to all of you who were my shoulder to cry on this weekend. I'm not sure I can handle anymore of life's vicissitudes right now. Please, Life, wait until next week or so to throw anything else at me. :-)

P.S. Thank you to Grandma and Grandpa V for covering for the distraught "Easter Bunny" who couldn't function well enough to hide eggs. Though, when I told the kids that Easter would have to wait until Monday, Ethan replied with "That's OK Mom. We know you're the Easter bunny. We can do baskets whenever." lol

Friday, April 3, 2009

Life comes at ya fast...

I'm so sorry I've been absent. Updates...

Nathan had his cast removed last week. Much to our surprise, when the cast came off it looked something right out of a Harry Potter movie. Completely bent and deformed, just as it had looked when he broke it.

This is how it looked when it first broke:

This is how it looks now:

After all the crying and the "Put my cast back on! My arm looks weird!", the doctor says he has to "remodel" his arm. aka Surgery! Rebreak! Poor kid. And it's only cost us $8,000 so far. :-(

We moved into a new house. It's a lot bigger...huge backyard, huge house for the same price as our other home. The owners are PHENOMENAL, so hopefully we won't run into the same problems as our old property manager who now wants $3000 in damages for a house that is completely undamaged. *sigh*

I guess, other than all that, life is going OK. The kids and I are about to have dinner and play Pirates of the Caribbean Scene It (DVD game). It's time to chill out and have a great night with my babies. :-)

I hope everyone else is doing well. I hope Emily decides to give Jami a break soon. lol

Love you guys!
