Sunday, July 27, 2008

Grandpa and Alex

Grandma and Grandpa come over to the house a couple times a month to babysit for a few hours. Alex refuses to sleep in his bed if Papa is there, so he picked the next best spot. ;-)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Tucson Children's Museum

Disneyland Grandma bought us an annual pass to the Children's Museum so we took off for an afternoon for some museum fun.

Ethan learning about electricity.

Alex playing the steel drums. (Which in my opinion is less brutal on the ears than the pots and pans.)

Navigating the submarine. Dive! Dive!

No matter where we walked to in the museum, Alex would haul back to the dinosaurs, aka "Rrraar!". He loves dinosaurs.


The boys are watching Alex get his head stuck in the gate surrounding the dinosaurs. Like true brothers, they laughed.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Blasted at Bowling

Yes, the bumpers were up. No, I did not win. Yes, I was trying!

Nate the Great, aka Happy Gilmore. I call Nate's style of bowling "Any Lane Bowling". He starts at the edge of the platform and runs full speed, tosses his ball in the air like it's a softball and then yells "YES!". Not because the ball has met the pins He's yelling YES! because his ball actually landed in his own lane.

Ethan is the serious bowler. He almost bought a bowling ball for his birthday. He adds the scores up in his head before the computer does. I don't even know how the computer adds them. He figured it out by watching the screen. Brilliant kid.

Katie was granny bowling for a while but eventually asked if she could learn the right way. The ball was too heavy for her to hold with her fingers, so she and I ran down the lane together like conjoined twins - her fingers in the holes but my hand under the ball. But we didn't throw it once we got up to the lane. She insisted we stop and count to 3.

Ahhhh....Springtime at the Zoo

Mom came in from California for a weekend to spend time with the kids. What better to do than the zoo! It was a muggy hundred degree day, so we whipped through the zoo pretty quickly, but not without feeding giraffes and getting a good lesson from nature.

As we're leaving the zoo, we see a crowd of kids congregating by the turtles. Hearing this loud grunting, we wonder what's going on. Kids are pointing and snickering at the turtles, the young ones wondering why the big turtle is hurting the little turtle. Just as we're walking away (about 30 seconds after we got there) a woman walks by yelling "Terrible! Shield their eyes! Kids should not watch this!" Note the look on Nate's face.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Movie Night

It's movie night with Daddy. They all pick a movie, make some popcorn and cuddle on the couch while I get to take a break. I LOVE movie night. ;-)

Sleepy Baby


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Guitar Heros

My little Guitar Heroes...

Yes, we bought Guitar Hero Aerosmith. It rocks!


Katelyn cannot be broken down! See how Nate has true rockstar attitude!

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July Sparklers

This is about all we're allowed to have in Arizona. Sparklers. But those are my favorite! Did the fireworks even go off on A Mountain this year? I don't think they did. We waited until 10:00pm and never heard/saw them.