Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just a quick update...

We're good. Thanks. Love ya. Bye.

Okay, maybe not that quick. ;-)

Recently, the older kids had an awards ceremony at school. All of them won the "Perfect Attendance" award for the semester. Yay!

Katie thinks her award says, "You're the best kid in the whole school". I'm glad perfect attendance makes her feel that good about herself. :-)

Nathan recently won the school's writing contest! My boy! He won $25 and promptly spent it on Bakugans. (The new pokemon.) Someone please tell me why these little Transformer "wanna be" toys are $6 EACH!

Alex is doing great at school. He's picked up a new word though. I thought we wouldn't have to deal with the "bad words" until elementary school....but his favorite new word is STUPID. Everything is STUPID. I want to play with my STUPID work bench. I want some STUPID cereal. I want to STUPID water the STUPID flowers. Ride my STUPID bike! I love my STUPID house mommy. Somehow I think the meaning of the word is escaping him.

Ethan is the best 9 year old a mom could have. He is SO helpful around the house and when we're out running errands. He's also great at taking over the role of explaining things to the kids. This morning, Alex took it upon himself to kick over every Lincoln Log house Ethan and Nathan built. Ethan calmly took Alex aside, put him on the couch and said, "Alex, you don't destroy. You build. No destroy. Build!"

Alex seemed to understand and hopped off the couch. Then walked back over and kicked the Lincoln Logs again. This is where Ethan combined all the threats I make to the kids into one, long breath...

"Alex, if you do that one more time I will lick your face, string you up by your toes, take away the Xbox and send you to bed at 7:30! And I mean it!"

Kids make great mirrors. lol

I am doing well. Fun kids. Fun job. Fun weather. Fun, Fun, FUN! Although, the owners of the house I live in have decided to sell it. (Yes, in this market. You're wondering the same thing I am, aren't you?) So, I'm on the lookout for a new pad. We have to move in May, but I'm sort of stuck as to location because my job is on the far east side of the city. Ahhhh....c'est la vie.

Well, we hope everyone is well. I saw that Claire is doing well. (Love the DVD Robot!) ;-)

Love ya!
